I love nature, science, Pokémon, gay stuff (both SFW and NSFW) and making comics - not necessarily in that order. My NG journey is about sharing all kinds of works and accepting that they're all equally valid ways of expressing myself through art.

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vlsramblings #2

Posted by vlsrb - July 9th, 2024

This one's gonna be more of a rant than a ramble, so bear with me.

So there are three art stores in my town (all from the same brand), and they are my go-to places when I need art supplies, mostly drawing paper, fine-liners and brush markers. As far back as last November I noticed that two of them basically stopped re-stocking the aforementioned brush markers (i.e. they were just selling off the ones they had left over and weren't getting any new ones). This was a problem for me, since markers are the equipment I tend to use up the fastest, so when I run out of a particular shade I need to replace it. Fortunately, the third store (which was the most recent to open) still had plenty of stock, so I increasingly relied on it for my drawing needs.

Cut to last weekend and me finding out that the third store has been closed permanently. Luckily, I re-stocked on some of the markers I use most frequently last month, but they won't last forever. Which begs the question: what happens when they run out? What am I going to use to shade and color my work? Am I going to have to pay a lot of money to order stuff from abroad?

It's times like these when I start to entertain the idea of finally biting the bullet and transitioning to doing things digitally. Problem is, art tablets aren't that cheap, and the time I have for drawing is limited enough as it is. I really don't want to end up buying this expensive thing that's just going to sit on my desk because I won't find the time to use it.

Just needed to get that out in the open.



That's sucks buddy

I had a similar experience, of art being a hobby I did infrequently, and did not really want to keep spending the money for materials, nor could I justify spending too much on an expensive art tablet.

I ended up settling on buying a cheap, secondhand, stylus-compatible Android tablet off eBay, and it has served me well for my purposes.

You don't have to abandon traditional media if you don't want to! Art supplies are available online just like everything else. You don't have to go to a brick-&-mortar store if it's not around. cheapjoes.com & jerrysartarama.com are both proven suppliers. Get on their mailing lists & look for sales featuring the products you want. Or coupon codes for 'em. When the time is right, get to the website & load up the shopping cart.

As both of these suppliers are based in the US, I'm afraid that the shipping costs along with the fees my country's customs will inevitably charge make this option prohibitively expensive. But thanks for sharing the links, I appreciate the intent. :) And I hear you - there are so many ways to do art traditionally, I'm sure I'll be able to find a work-around for my problem.

@vlsrb Are you somewhere in Europe, then? Presumably at least a few countries there have their own equivalents of the suppliers I linked to...at the very least, you should be able to find sources in England, France & Germany.

I am indeed in Europe, but let's just say that my country makes it very annoying to order anything from abroad. A lot of services don't ship here since we're not a big market, and when you do find and order something it can get held up at customs for weeks/months and gets slapped with a customs fee (which sometimes puts the thing you ordered in a different price bracket). That's why you learn to mostly stick to buying stuff that's available in local stores, or doing it when you're travelling to another country. In any event, I appreciate your help. :) The project I'm currently working on means a lot to me, so I'm definitely not giving it up just because I can't buy the specific markers that I use - I'll switch to monochromatic colored pencils or find a different workaround.

I see...one of the central or eastern European countries, then. No need to tell me anything else.

Seems like some things haven't changed since before the USSR broke apart in '89.