For what it's worth, I really like her design, you did a great job re-interpreting the broom and classic witch hat in a sci-fi context. Doesn't feel too cluttered to me, personally. Great work!
For what it's worth, I really like her design, you did a great job re-interpreting the broom and classic witch hat in a sci-fi context. Doesn't feel too cluttered to me, personally. Great work!
Did you do this digitally or is it actual watercolors? I literally cannot tell the difference! Either way, fantastic job with this, it kind of reminds me of old Pokémon art.
Thanks a lot:)! It's all digital
"Could you get me something from the vending machine please, I'm starving."
Amazing work, I especially like the lighting.
Oh wow, that mask is completely badass. Such a great hero design, I like pretty much everything about it. Awesome work!
I love these little streets littered with signs where you can just crawl into a restaurant or café and disappear, and you did a great job capturing their allure. And the car, I'm deeply jealous of the way you drew it since the best I can achieve is a wonky Playdough model with wheels when I draw cars. Excellent!
Thank you! Street scenes can be a lot of work but I enjoy drawing them when I have the opportunity. Cars can be tricky, I still struggle with them sometimes, but it helped having references on hand and realizing that they're mostly just built out of a series of rectangles. Just a matter of practice :D
So epic. And the fact you based it all on a few pixels on a screen is even more impressive. Great job!
It was a bit challenging but I think it also gives you a lot of freedom with the design in turn. It was a really fun piece to work on for that reason.
Thanks for the comment! ^^
Very creepy but very well done. The hunter reminds me so much of a character from the manga Promised Neverland though (Nigel is his name I believe). Probably just an amusing coincidence!
Thank you so much!! It is a coincidence but I can certainly see that XD
Another good setup chapter. Just from the vibe of the comic I was expecting some supernatural elements would show up at some point, and it looks like I was right. Bring on chapter 3!
This is a very interesting concept, a great literal visual representation of a metaphor. Just the idea on its own is brilliant, before taking into account how skilfully you brought it to life. Hats off.
I live for late autumn/early winter, so this is right up my alley. Love what you did with the clouds and the moon.
I love nature, science, Pokémon, gay stuff (both SFW and NSFW) and making comics - not necessarily in that order. My NG journey is about sharing all kinds of works and accepting that they're all equally valid ways of expressing myself through art.
Joined on 8/22/23