In love with the way you use color here, especially on the hair, sweater on the left and the ghost arms. Awesome job!
In love with the way you use color here, especially on the hair, sweater on the left and the ghost arms. Awesome job!
BLESS! Thank you!! 🤘
I love how disheveled she looks, the vibe is very much "I just spent the night in a dumpster, wanna go get coffee?" Great character design here, well done.
I've never read JoJo but I've seen enough of it to say that you did a great job approximating Araki's art style, especially in the coloring. Fantastic work!
His face clearly communicates "Where am I?", and honestly I relate to that.
This is kickass work, amazing colors on the character and beautiful background. And the lines - perfection.
Thanks! the way how the pen's ink blends with the markers colors helps a lot to give it a bit of a "round" look
Just breathtaking. The colors and the technique are nothing short of wonderful.
I could totally imagine him roaming through a marshy forest some 300 million years ago, chomping on some vegetation. Fantastic work, I especially like the eyes.
Just finished reading all three of the comics in this series and I just want to say... thank you, honestly. Scattered throughout these pages are many of my own worries, issues and fears, both past and present. Can't say I know how to handle them, and I'm not sure I'll be able to deal with all of them and come out of it in one piece. But seeing them depicted and laid out in a straightforward way, and handled with optimism... Well, it makes at least some part of me feel better. Great job with these comics, you should feel very proud of making them.
I love the variety in these, both in the designs themselves but also in the artistic styles. You could tell me that each one of these was drawn by a different artist and I'd believe you, which goes to show how versatile you are. Great job!
This whole piece is fantastic, but the lighting and color on the dice is truly exceptional. Amazing work!
Not familiar with the character but I know a good rat head when I see one. Awesome work!
I love nature, science, Pokémon, gay stuff (both SFW and NSFW) and making comics - not necessarily in that order. My NG journey is about sharing all kinds of works and accepting that they're all equally valid ways of expressing myself through art.
Joined on 8/22/23