Everything about this landscape looks bone-dry and desolate, but the two creatures look so goofy and adorable that the overall tone of the piece is almost whimsical. Beautiful technique here, and I love what you did with the background.
Everything about this landscape looks bone-dry and desolate, but the two creatures look so goofy and adorable that the overall tone of the piece is almost whimsical. Beautiful technique here, and I love what you did with the background.
Always thought WarGreymon was cool - even had a knock-off Agumon toy that could transform into it. I don't know if it was your intention, but he looks like he's burping here, and I find that ridiculously cute. Other than that, your style is magnificent as always, great work.
OK, I realize this was posted almost three years ago, but I just had to comment on it. This is simply flawless. The anatomy, the pose, the way you draw body hair, the shading, the expression, the lush background, the vines slowly entangling the guy and the implication thereof... Whoever this commission was for must have been a very satisfied customer. Just discovered your art today and felt like expressing how much I like it, hence this review. Great job!
OMG, thank you very much for your words!~ It was - if I remember correctly - one of my first "PinUp" that I was commissioned! And it's still one of my favorite jobs I've ever done! I'm very glad you liked it despite the time that has passed! :') <3
Probably won't be seeing anything remotely resembling this scene in my country this winter, so it's nice to see it at least in pixel form. I think you nailed that indescribable atmosphere of a snow covered city at night. Love the violet light coming from one of the windows too, a nice bit of contrast to the rest of the image.
Killer details on the leather, and awesome anatomy and facial expression to go with it. Awesome work, well done.
That... was not where I expected this was going. Hilarious!
Pretty sure I would struggle drawing something like this by regular means, not to mention as pixel art. Insane amount of details, great work.
Is it OK if I just go through the screen into this painting and stay there for, like, a week or two? The deer won't mind, right? I can bring food pellets.
Amazing work here, you've created a serene atmosphere that just sucks the viewer right in. Simply gorgeous.
I always very much preferred Hoopa Unbound to regular Hoopa - the latter is just too goofy looking. This illustration is great, you can feel the menacing energy of the Pokémon. The distorted parts are a great touch, making it seem like Hoopa's power is too immense to be contained even by this drawing!
The technique here is stunning. The colors of the sky are so achingly beautiful that I could just gaze at them in wonder for a very long time. Wonderful work, well done!
I love nature, science, Pokémon, gay stuff (both SFW and NSFW) and making comics - not necessarily in that order. My NG journey is about sharing all kinds of works and accepting that they're all equally valid ways of expressing myself through art.
Joined on 8/22/23